The Creative Portfolio of Melissa K. Vassar-Belloso

Character Assessments


For convenience you can save your progress if you need to and come back to any forms later. It will require you logging into the site at this time. There’s a walkthrough that’s been added in your client portal that will explain this form from beginning to end and have your User ID and an initial password in it.

  Please make sure you use the e-mail address tied to your work order for the forms.

You will also receive a printed PDF of your form submission.

Initial Character Assessment

To get started with  your work order I need to get to know your character  better. Knowing your character inside and out means that I can infuse things like their personality,lifestyle and preferences into their design while working with them.  If you have multiple characters or batches of characters this form can be used for all of them. Also please note that each section will have room for additional notes if there’s something you’d like to provide that doesn’t have an applicable field.

This profile is a little long but not all of it is required. The more information you can provide me, the better. The purpose of a longer profile like this is mainly for me to learn about the character but also so you can be challenged as a creator to explore your character in more depth if you’ve never completed a profile for them before.

If you need additional room for  visual references for the character,please make sure you put them in close to completing this profile in the client portal or by sending them to me via e-mail. Once this profile is completed I will reach out to you to confirm I have it and start working on the anatomical model for your character which may take anywhere from a few hours to possibly a week depending on the complexity of the character.

If you have any issues or questions while completing the form you can save your progress and reach out to me by mail with them.

Only submit the form when you feel it’s truly complete. Once it’s submitted it can’t be edited.

Please only fill out the fields relevant to your character. There are a lot of fields on the form but if you don’t need them they’ve been set up to show n/a or not applicable.